Tano Road Association Policies

As a volunteer neighborhood organization, the Tano Road Association and its Board of Officers and Directors can engage in issues, events and topics of local and neighborhood interest on behalf of its membership. Involvement of the Board varies according to the needs of the Association and the Board is authorized by Association By-Laws to make policy decisions on a case-by-case basis.
Conflict of Interest Policy
In order for the responsibilities of the Board to be fully met, Officers and Directors should be free to discharge their duties without interference from conflicting interests. An actual or perceived conflict exists when a Board member is in a position to influence a decision of the Board which would have an appearance of partiality, including but not limited to a personal gain or beneficial relationship
It is the Policy of the Association that when such a conflict exists, the Board member is obligated to disclose the situation to the Board prior to any action of the Board, and the Board is within its rights to request the Board member to refrain from voting on such action
Public Comment Policy
It is the Policy of the Association that all statements or comments, written or oral, which are made on behalf of the Association representing policy, position or action must be approved by a majority of the Board. Generally, the official spokesperson for the Association is the President unless a Board member is otherwise authorized in advance.
Public and Local Issues Policy
The Association may take action in Municipal or State administrative processes relating to issues that could potentially affect the entire neighborhood. These include but are not limited to water, traffic or development proposals imposed by the City, County or State. The Association will not take an official position or enter into active or legal involvement in matters concerning private property in the Tano Road area, either between neighbors or in legal and/or protest matters involving any government agency. This includes but is not limited to water, road, construction or development issues. In all cases, the households affected by such activities should exercise the government channels and/or legal recourse dedicated to resolving such situations.
Business, Political and Religious Promotion Policy
The Association will not promote the business, politics, religion or personal views of a resident or residential group under any circumstances, nor will it promote any politician’s campaign or political issue movement or nonprofit organization, nor will it allow the Association’s membership lists to be used for personal gain or business, political or religious purposes.
Revised and adopted by the TRA Board, April, 2021