The mission of the Tano Road Security Patrol is to deter crime, not to enforce the law or provide security to individuals or their homes. The Patrol, which is 100% voluntary, works during the day, maintaining a visible presence during key times when traffic flow is the highest.
The Santa Fe County Sheriff’s office has confirmed that the Tano Road area has one of the lowest crime rates in the County, largely due to the presence of our security patrol and our volunteers as a “first alert” response system to report suspicious activity.
Besides providing a valuable community service, security patrol members reap additional benefits by volunteering. Those new to the area get to know the neighborhood by driving its roads and lanes and also get to meet other volunteers, many of whom have been on the patrol for years.
Volunteers are not expected to put themselves or their personal vehicles at risk, or to patrol when it may prove improvident to do so. They also pay for their own gas, vehicle maintenance and associated expenses.
If you are interested in joining the Security Patrol or would like more information, please contact info@tanoroad.org.
The County Sheriff’s website has crime statistics and tips for crime prevention. See http://www.santafecountynm.gov/sheriff